Note: This web site delivers advertising. Advertisers help make this
web site possible and they deserve the consideration of not having their
advertising blocked after all, without them you wouldn't be able to enjoy
this content. Blocking advertising is a modification of the content
being delivered. This is contrary to the
copyright/terms of use statement to which you
agree when you choose to view this web site. Please show the companies that
make this web site possible through advertising the respect of, at least,
viewing their ads. N.B.This site does not make money from traffic generated
as a result of banner advertising (advertisers do not pay on a "per-click"
basis). Banner advertising is sold on a "display" basis. We neither gain nor
loose through traffic generated as a result of banner ads on this website.
Certain images on this "WallpaperOriginals" family of web sites are
available on a fee-per-application basis. To learn more about purchasing a
right to use selected images from our collection please visit is the result of
the realization that our visitors were using photographs found at as wallpapers.
These beautiful photographs were simply not designed to stretch across a
monitor. They would distort or they would hide in the center of the user's
monitor. Knowing this we decided to prepare images for use specifically as
wallpapers. We started to gather our photographs and re-sort them for a
wallpaper section of
was launched featuring carefully selected images from our own bank of
photographs to be offered as desktop wallpapers for Mac and PC in sizes 640*480
pixels, 800*600 pixels and 1024*768 pixels.
was launched, concurrently, featuring original wallpapers unique to
AnimalSearch.Net - wallpapers not to be
found elsewhere. With two sites featuring wallpapers but thematically so
distinct, we thought a unique, easy to remember web address was just what everyone needs. seemed to
fit the bill... what better a place to go to find all our original wallpapers.
is now open featuring a selection of Canadian photographs. This site, as with
all our other endeavours, feature an original collection of Canadian imagery
for your desktop.